What Are Heel Calluses And What Causes Them

Calluses on your heels are a build-up of skin that occurs when the skin on the feet becomes hardened and thickened. This can be caused by many things, including wearing shoes that are too tight or have high heels, or from walking or standing for long periods of time on hard surfaces. The photo shown here is an extreme example of heel calluses, but it clearly displays what can happen if the skin on your heels is not cared for.

Dealing with calluses on your heels can be a real pain- literally. These hardened areas of skin can be caused by many things, including wearing shoes that are too tight or have high heels, or from walking or standing for long periods of time on hard surfaces. While calluses themselves are not harmful, they can often lead to other problems.

Are Those Calluses On Your Heels?

If you are not sure if you have calluses or just dry skin, there are a few tips to help you determine whether or not you do.

  • Look at the skin on the bottom of your feet. If it is thick and hard, then you likely have calluses.
  • If the skin on your feet feels painful or sensitive to the touch, then you may have calluses.
  • If the skin on your feet is cracked or painful, then you may also have calluses.

Getting Rid Of Calluses – Home Remedies To Professional Treatments

There are a number of ways to get rid of calluses. You can try home remedies such as using a pumice stone or soaking your feet in warm water and vinegar, or one of several other popular DIY foot soaks. If these methods don’t work, you can also try professional treatments like getting a pedicure or having a callus removal procedure done by a podiatrist.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to take care of your feet in order to prevent calluses from forming in the first place. Here are nine tips for keeping your feet healthy and free of calluses:

  1. Wear shoes that fit correctly.
  2. Wear socks that absorb moisture.
  3. Avoid walking barefoot.
  4. Apply a moisturizer to your feet every day.
  5. Exfoliate your feet regularly.
  6. Trim your toenails correctly.
  7. Treat any foot infections promptly.
  8. See a podiatrist if you have persistent problems with calluses.
  9. Follow the instructions provided by your podiatrist for proper callus care.

How To Get Rid of Calluses On Your Heels

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of calluses, there are a number of options to choose from. You can try home remedies such as using a pumice stone or soaking your feet in warm water and vinegar. If these methods don’t work, you can try professional treatments like getting a pedicure or having a callus removal procedure done by a podiatrist.

To gently reduce or remove calluses on your heels, start by soaking your feet in warm water for about 15 minutes. This will help to soften the skin. Next, use a pumice stone to file the callus down. Be sure to only file it gently, and never do so if they hurt. Finally, apply a moisturizer to your heels to help keep them hydrated.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to take care of your feet in order to prevent calluses from forming in the first place. Here are nine tips for keeping your feet healthy and free of calluses:

How To Prevent Calluses From Forming

A callus is a protective layer of skin that forms when the body is subjected to repeated friction, pressure, or heat. Calluses can form on any part of the body that experiences regular friction, including the hands, feet, and buttocks.

What To Do If Your Calluses Are Causing You Pain

If your calluses are causing you pain, you should not do anything drastic. If softening with creams and gentle exfoliation do not help, you may need to see a doctor. Your doctor can prescribe a medication such as a urea cream or suggest a surgery to get rid of your calluses in the worst cases.

Keeping Heels Soft

Once you have softened or removed the callus, it is important to take care of the feet so that the callus does not come back. This includes:

If you follow these simple steps, your heels will stay soft and free of calluses.